Quote tweet with your favorite neural net

You know those games that go around on platforms like Twitter, where people share pictures of themselves looking like the leader of an underground resistance, or search google images for their name + fantasy armor or somesuch? I assume that if you successfully start one of these games, fame and fortune will be yours. I also assume that it's tricky to get a new game to catch on.

So why not turn to artificial intelligence? GPT-3 is a family of text-generating neural nets trained on a bunch of internet text, so maybe it has seen enough of these games to add to a list of them.

I gave it 9 examples from Twitter to add to, examples that all ask people to copy the message, add your own results, and share it with all your friends - in other words, a quote tweet. Here are some new quote tweet games it predicted:

DaVinci, the largest model:

quote tweet this with a selfie, but with somebody invisible Photoshopped in next to you.
quote tweet this with a photo of you with badgers printed on it
quote tweet this with: "help me, I'm stuck!"
quote tweet this with a picture of something you own that shouldn’t be in your house
quote tweet this with a photo of you holding a rectangle shaped object that isn’t a book
quote tweet this with a photo that makes you look like an axe murderer
quote tweet this with a photo of a meal you should never have taken a photo of
Listen to your favorite song... and quote tweet this with a location where somebody has died

They're not too bad - even a bit more creative than the original list. But as the models get smaller and less competent, they definitely get weirder.

Curie, the 2nd largest model:

Quote tweet this with a photo of you with a crowd of people whose eyes are fixed on the back of your head
quote tweet this with a photo of your favorite trick your parents taught you
Quote tweet this with anagrams of your name
Quote tweet this with a couple of photos of your favorite item in the western world
Quote tweet this with a meme of you in a situation that makes you say “god damn it”.
quote tweet this with "yay"

Babbage, the 2nd smallest model:

Quote tweet this with a new tea bag (or paper towel)
Search "Mollycoddled snore monster movie quotes" and quote tweet this with a picture of your favourite houseplant
Quote tweet your latest vacation and then make sure to say “fine folks, here’s the Monday meme.”
quote tweet this with your view on the use of canned goods
Quote tweet this with a picture that makes you say what people are shouting on the subway today
quote tweet this with a good line about how your hair has changed over the years. Or maybe about the price of hair dye
Search "I made my own popcorn nathan rolfe marlow the movie" and quote tweet this with a picture of you and a lemur or on far away island.

Ada, the smallest model:

Quote tweet this with a picture of your pink socks
Quote tweet this with a picture of your thumb in a Starbucks cup
quote tweet this with a photo of yourself wearing a pant leg
quote tweet this with an image of yourself with the word “agony”
Quote tweet this with a quote from your favourite book. Please, use a good quote.
quote tweet this with a picture of you that is at least 50% off.
Quote tweet this with a picture of you not taking the glass off of your window
quote tweet this with a picnic blanket travelling in the wrong direction.

So now, if you will excuse me, I'll be using these to go viral on the twitter.

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