The neural network doesn’t understand proper nouns.

As the neural network begins to get better at generating cookbook recipes, it continues to have trouble with recipe sources - short and highly varied, they’re a challenge for an algorithm that learns by repetition. Still, it does its best:

Source: Carrots
Shared By: Eander Moistly
Recipe By : Berrand erroomsterplees
Recipe By : Derned SAwaalcaima
Submitted by Alsalanne Mc.thebsete
Recipe By : By LidienY Pubptite
Recipe by: Chef; Texigle The Steamy Fut 18
Cookies" cookbook by Herblen Leg 1994
by Pillian Cooking Broccoli
Source: A dark Soup Cookbook by Searsh Leaves.
From Millryer Coancy First Warterrip Meltingonais
Source: Genter Marjary Witn Abong
Source: Cherry Sauce * The Shell Bears Shelled Barbecue Sauce