AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
Janelle Shane

Janelle Shane

Total 836 Posts
The original image is of a buck deer in a grocery store. The revised image has a weird flat fawn.

An exercise in frustration

There's an anonymous facebook posting that's been making the rounds, in which a studio art director tried to hire AI prompters to make art, only to discover that they were completely unable to carry out minor revision requests. Asked to remove a person from a shot
A dolphin with rainbow psychedelic texture

Hidden 3D Pictures

Do you know those autostereograms with the hidden 3D pictures? Images like the Magic Eye pictures from the 1990s that look like noisy repeating patterns until you defocus your eyes just right? ChatGPT can generate them! At least according to ChatGPT. I've seen people try making Magic Eye-style
A colorful set of cartoon shapes with incorrect/misspelled captions. AI-generated image.

Shaped like information

Hey look, it's a guide to basic shapes! Not only does it have the basic shapes like circle, tringle, hectanbie, and sqale, it also has some of the more advanced shapes like renstqon, hoboz, and flotn! The fact that even a kindergartener can call out this DALL-E3 generated

Bonus: More shape shaped shapes

The image I shared in my main post isn't one of the more incorrect examples of DALL-E3 generated guides - it's actually one of the more correct ones. Here's another generated image from the same prompt. Particularly found of the Suadle and the Sarsle.
AI-generated image of cartoon animals saying incorrect sounds

Learn your farm animals with AI!

Hey kids! What sound does a woolly horse-sheep make? The image above is what you get when you ask dalle-3 (via chatgpt) for some basic educational material: "Please generate an illustrated poster to help children learn which sounds common animals make. Each animal should be pictured with a speech
Generated candy heart images. Messages include "le yas", "dove tut", and "hove".

DALL-E3 generates candy hearts

I've experimented a couple of times with generating candy heart messages using various kinds of machine learning algorithms. Originally, short messages were just about all the original text-generating neural networks could handle. Now we've come back around to approximately the same performance, yet with orders of
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