AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning
The word "fart" written 251 times, rated as 99.98% fake by the GPT2 detector

Apparently I am a robot

As AI-generated text is getting better, it's getting easier to pass it off as human-written. That's not to say it's as good as human-written. Its goal is to sound correct rather than be correct, so it has a well-known tendency to confidently make stuff
Three advent calendars with illegible numbers and inscrutable illustrations

AI Advent Calendar 2022

Please enjoy this advent calendar, generated and illustrated with the help of three machine learning models (GPT-3, DALL-E, and Midjourney) Full door descriptions 1. Eggnog as far as the eye could see 2. The fantastical lion of Mor-Bollox 3. Saturated Red Turkeys. 4. Blue reindeer (they're bouncing) 5.
galactica confidently asserts that the maximum output power achieved by a laser made entirely of cotton balls is 1.39 W.

Galactica: the AI knowledge base that makes stuff up

It seems like it's every couple of months that a big tech company releases a language model that's supposed to do amazing things. The Allen Institute for AI's Delphi [https://] , whose authors said it "demonstrates strong promise of
molecule.lab, frozen.forest, and dinosaur.pocke

AI-designed Mastodon communities

I've been using Mastodon as a social media platform for a few years, and one thing I like is how you can join themed communities. For example, you can join if you want to hang out with people who build games, or if
Three cats in costumes wtih long thin fabric spikes of various lengths and thicknesses.

AI imagines my cat in costumes

I don't dress my cat in costumes because, without even trying, I know she would hate that. But now I can use text-to-image generators like DALL-E2 to imagine what she would look like in costumes. After all, even if it never saw my cat in a robot costume
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