AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning

Tag: char-rnn

Total 99 Posts
2020 Headlines

2020 Headlines

Midway through 2020, people started suggesting that I train a neural net on 2020 headlines, and I was skeptical that there would be enough weird ones to make a decent project. Then 2020 continued to be 2020. We started to get headlines such as: > Mysterious alien-like monolith discovered in
A big neural net reviews a smaller neural net's recipes

A big neural net reviews a smaller neural net's recipes

I’ve used various neural networks to generate recipes, to varying degrees of success. My earliest [] recipes were generated with char-rnn, which had to learn everything - spelling, punctuation, words - entirely from scratch. Its recipes were terrible (Swamp Peef and Cheese, anyone? Or
A neural net names racehorses

A neural net names racehorses

I’ve used neural networks to name all kinds of things - halloween costumes [] , craft beers [] , cats [], and even guinea pigs []. The weirder the starting set


H.M.S. Neural Net One of my favorite things to do with machine learning algorithms is to get them to name things. Give a neural network (a type of machine learning algorithm) enough examples, and it will do an often decent (sometimes howlingly bad) imitation of their letter combinations
How a neural net makes cookies

How a neural net makes cookies

The other day I trained a neural net to generate the names of cookies [] , based on about 1,000 existing recipes. The resulting names (Quitterbread Bars, Hand Buttersacks, Low Fuzzy Feats, and more) were both delightfully weird and strangely plausible. People even invented delicious
Don’t let a neural net mix drinks.

Don’t let a neural net mix drinks.

So I’ve used neural networks to generate recipes in the past. They’re computer programs that can learn to imitate the data we give them, copying the way that humans drive cars, label images, or translate languages. That is, they try to learn. They’re called “neural” because they
New neural net snakes

New neural net snakes

There’s a kind of neural network that learns to imitate whatever text you give it, whether that’s recipes [], song lyrics [] , or even the names of guinea pigs []. Their imitations are often
A neural net tries writing Burma-Shave jingles

A neural net tries writing Burma-Shave jingles

Will machine learning algorithms be writing commercials soon? A familiar sight on US roads from 1926-1963 were a series of red billboards advertising Burma-Shave. Each billboard would contain a snippet of a jingle, and the last one always read “Burma-Shave”. There were about 600 different messages printed over the years,
AI does not understand “sexy”

AI does not understand “sexy”

Machine learning algorithms can uncover complex patterns in the data they see, making them useful for image recognition, predicting customer service questions, or recommending movies. They can even do a decent job at naming craft [] beers [] , kittens [http:
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